Sunday, February 3, 2013

Putting your best post forward

Technology is continuously changing offering new and efficient ways to communicate with those around us. These new advances encourage the user to share their experiences and opinions. As a result, we are required to alter our language to ensure our message is clear and concise allowing us to hold the attention of the audience. 

This demand for simplicity and to the point statements requires the use of proper punctuation and spelling to avoid any misinterpretation. 

For example, Facebook recently added a feature where you are able to edit your posts to avoid others from noticingThe user is aware that the posts they make are public, so naturally they are going to make sure the content is in its best form.

What technology has given us is a crash course on PR and advertising. Our generation is able to identify the audience they are speaking to and alter their language accordingly. If I am writing a paper for school it is going to have a completely different form of language then one  of my status updates on Facebook. This skill has been taught to us by our peers and should be celebrated that it did not come with the institution price tag!

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