Sunday, February 3, 2013

Text Speak Generation

In the present time I would agree that there has been a shift of language/ writing expression from before the internet was invented, but I do not think it is a negative effect on kids today just something that older people have never seen before. Grandparent constantly talk about how this generation is not as analytical when it comes to writing and reading but I think that process has just changed and created a network of thoughts and expression; that without technology could never have happened. 
Yes kids now a days spend countless hours on blogs and social media site when they could be expanding their knowledge reading books. But while on these site they are expressing their opinions and creating conversation about new technologies that will continue to evolve the world.
The technology savvy generation has created a complex world at the touch of our fingers which grandparents could never see first-hand.  Though it is complex, we have also minimized our communications skills to save time and energy with the same end result.  Making abbreviations of popular words and phrases like the one below in the picture shorten the time need to get points across.

Yes we have created these to help us communication but that does not mean we have lost our language, grammar and writing skills all together. Personally I can distinguish the different types of communication, so I can react properly to the situation. If I can writing a blog post or text message the literature used will not be as formal and correct.  Opposite from writing an essay or speech where I make sure I am using the correct pronouns and sentence structure.
I do agree that the generation today may not be as strong when writing formal pieces of writing but that does not mean we cannot accomplish the same result as our grandparents. If we don’t know which verb goes with a word we look it up on Google and within ten seconds have the answer.  Generations do not need to criticise each other for being different but rather teach the importance of each individually.


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