Thursday, January 31, 2013

Literacy and Online Communication

            When it comes to online communication many individuals use textspeak as a way to communicate. Textspeak is especially common on sites like Twitter where you have limited space (14o character limit) to express your thoughts, but is found on almost all social media platforms. The problem with text speak does not concern individuals inability to spell, if anything it just shows how lazy we are as a society. I occasionally use textpeak during text messaging conversation where I type things like "OMG", "FML", "Luv", or "U", but I refrain from doing so in professional situations.

I personally find extreme textspeak to be annoying. "LOL" is probably my biggest pet peeve with texting or social media, but any form of textspeak in excess just makes me not want to read what that person is trying to say. 

I believe people grow out of textspeak as they encounter more professional situations. I can remember getting the "C U L8R", "G2G", "NMU?" texts or online chat messages all the time in middle school and junior high, but as myself and my peers matured, the abbreviations were limited. 
The only issue I see with textspeak is that when used in excess, it clouds the meaning of what you are trying to say and comes off as unprofessional. I believe this is common knowledge though, so people are aware of when it is appropriate and can then type or write coherently. 

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