Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Avatar Assignment

This avatar that I created looks absolutely nothing like me and is a completely different style than the one I think I project. I thought I would create something so different from what I am for the purpose of showing just how a simple picture can create such a visceral response from a viewer. If a reader were to read an article with this type of avatar they would infer that the author is stylistically adventurous. Particularly due to the pink eye contacts and dark wardrobe the reader might consider the author stand-offish or emotionally reserved but the avatar projects a warm expression, which shows that the author is approachable. In terms of authority and expertise readers would most likely trust a real photo more than an avatar. 

The fact that this is a simulated image and could possibly be the complete opposite of what the author looks like in real-life adds to the lack of credibility received from an avatar versus a professional photo. But it all depends what the authors end goal is in writing an online article. If the author is writing a blog and prefers to be anonymous then an avatar is a smart choice but if the author is wanting to create a professional website in order to promote his or herself then a professional real photo is favorable.

If a male lawyer was creating a website for law firm the website most certainly would have a real-life professional picture of him. The web designer hired to create the website most certainly would not allow the lawyer to use a false avatar. Clients need to see a face because this builds trust but this fact also has a downside. People know that having “real” photo builds trust and authority therefore those wishing to be fraudulent and deceitful can steal other internet user’s photographs quite easily and present them as their own.

The use of avatars is definitely more suited for chat rooms and group sites where the overall environment is more relaxed and casual. Avatars are also great because they provide a creative outlet for people to represent themselves in a different way they might not be able to achieve in real life.

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