Thursday, January 31, 2013

                                                              O Technology!

I love technology, whether its text messaging, checking my emails, visiting with friends on Facebook or just viewing videos on YouTube. Technology is the way of the future and it’s not going anywhere any time soon.

            However, there appears to be some arguments that technology happy students may be slipping a bit in their witting at school with cyber slang. Cyber slang is a term used to describe shortcuts, alternative words, or even symbols used to convey thoughts in an electronic document  such as “OMG” (oh my God) or “JK” (just kidding) and “BRB” (be right back). According to teachers and parents now days, and my mother being both a parent and an English teacher are convinced that cursive writing is a skill that were always going to need, and technology is quickly diminishing its importance.

This screen caps are from my twitter page, on a few people I have been following just to show how frequently used cyber slang is and how cursive skills have diminished. 

        While I can appreciate the need for correct grammar and for delivering an intelligent point of view about any given topic, I think our expectations have to change. There is a time for teaching "writing skills" but also a growing need to recognize the value of expression and communicating capably with the general public. Text abbreviations probably shouldn't show up in essays and papers, but all in all, the omission of unnecessary words and even creative spelling, could very well be the direction in which our language is going.

 Johnson , C. (2013, January 30). [Web log message]. Retrieved from



  1. I agree with you that texting slang has its purpose i don't feel like i have ever even accidentally written a slang in any of my University papers. I find that people tend to be aware of the situation that they are in and will speak accordingly.
    I actually tend to find that most of the texting slang i find is on facebook and twitter. I feel like these social medias have really adopted the way of speaking.Do you find this to be a similar experience for you??

  2. Great post! Do you personally think that because students use so much cyber slang, that it will appear in formal writing and literacy? I do not believe that it will as we must learn to spell, read and write before we begin using social media such as Facebook and Twitter. What do you think?
