Saturday, February 16, 2013

Connection over Distance

As a person who has moved 4 times, has relatives all over Canada and a sister and brother in law living in Austria I find it hard to find time to communicate via phone call with all of them. Between the sleeping, school work and other activities I utilize my social networks to stay connected with people who are dear to me. I can call my sister using Viber, video chat with her using Skype, see her new European life via Instagram and touch base with her everyday using Facebook. The time change of eight hours restricts me from having a long conversation on the phone. As a world traveler I have met hundreds of people from around the globe. Do I need to know what kind of dog the are getting next year ? Hell no, but what is my alternative to communicate with these people I have met ? I do not have enough to say on the phone or email but if I ever travel again a simple ‘Facebook message’ and we are in connection. 

I must say I am born in a transitional generation of Facebook. Up until I was 12 years old I did everything the ‘old fashion’ way; calling friends, writing to pen pals and not texting. I like to believe that this time without Facebook gave me a strong foundation of socializing so when I was introduced to Facebook I could both talk online and offline. I do worry about a generation being brought up being babysat by iPads though. I was lucky enough to know a time before the sudden burst of technology but no so much the new kids on the block. A girl puts up a picture and 500 people out of her 3000 friends ‘like’ it , it seems pretty up-surd to me. 

It is not hard to see that there are goods and bad’s to not only Facebook but social networking all together. I can only use my own personal experience to validate my opinion that the pro’s of Facebook out weigh the con’s dramatically. I see people who treat Facebook like an online diary, so much so say, more complaining then anything, then in reality you couldn't put the two together. However, to have that constant connection between family living thousands of miles away, fellow travelers who have changed my life and friends who will be forever friends, I say right on Facebook. 

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