Thursday, February 14, 2013


     Non face to face communication is a growing industry like we have never seen before.  The developments and the impact that social media sites are having on our life is immense.  To just name a couple, people communicate with cell phones, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and countless other sites that make it easy to communicate.  The problem is that these were initially designed to make our life easier but now they are taking over the way we communicate.
         My biggest pet peeve is when I am with someone and they carry on a texting conversation right in front of me.  I find this so rude but it seems to have become the norm from our generation.  These social media applications are truly taking over the way we communicate.  It is true what they say, The Message is in the Mean.  This old statement could not be more true.  The way someone chooses to communicate you can tell you so much about what they think of you and how important the message really is.  If it is important you might get a phone call, medium importance could be a text and less than that could be an email or Facebook message.  While working last summer I had a co-worker email me from down the hall asking me a question because she was too lazy to stand up and take the 3 minutes to ask me in person and get a better answer.  Things like this drive me crazy.  The lack of face to face communication that our world has at the moment is, in my opinion, a step in the wrong direction.  Social media does have a valuable place in society but I think that we still need to value the emotions and relationships built through face to face contact.    

1 comment:

  1. I agree, with your biggest pet peeve, I hate when people are texting while I’m talking to them. Last night I was working at the restaurant Joey Barlow and of course it was Valentine’s Day which is always exciting. But I found it very frustrating, because at every table, and I’m talking couples tables didn’t even make eye contact to one another the entire night. They were texting God knows who on their phones. I feel if you decided to make time with someone to go out they should be the focal point of attention not your phone and if a girl did that to me I would have stood up and walked away. Just a little example of how technology has transformed us.
