Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Importance of Social Media

From the CNN article I never realized that many people have been deleting Facebook which I found surprising as I haven’t noted any people missing from my friend list. I found that Sherry Turkle article had good points and bad points. On the good side when she said we are “alone together” I felt this was very correct. People spend less time with face to face interactions and more time blogging and communicating online. I know I got a job this past summer were face to face interaction was very important and I had to answer the phones. For the first day I felt awkward answering the phone until I had to realize that I shouldn’t be it was not big deal. I however disagree with her interview about Brad I find it very hard to believe she actually found a person who said, believe and felt like he couldn’t be himself.  I would like to see more evident this person actually exists.

           I think that what people need to realize is that nothing in the world is immortal. This includes Facebook. As said in the CNN article eventually people will move on to something new. However, currently Facebook serves a valuable purpose in today’s society. Without Facebook many of us would not have the connections with people that we do. I personally wouldn’t talk to my family in the states and Manitoba nearly as much as I do with Facebook. As well I met my fiancĂ© through Facebook, we have been together for 6 years. Without Facebook we never would have met he lived in northern Alberta and had never been to Calgary so to me it is an important part of my life. 
On a slightly off topic note while typing this blog up on word I found it weird that “facebook” was red lined until I typed “Facebook”. This is how popular this social media site has come that now it has to be capitalized on MSWord.

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