Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Security to Express

I see the use of pseudonyms as a way to express a minority opinion without the repercussions of society. Societal norms seem to suppress the opinions of the small voice, speaking on behalf of change. Pseudonyms are able to mask the writer so he or she feels comfortable presenting new ideas, which are then challenged but not dismissed because the writer still has the power to convey their own opinion. The etho that can be interpreted from the writers pen name gives a sense of similarity to the reader to encourage them to read. The strong opinions of the majority of society can force opinions on others, these opinions stay ridged and unchanged. However, the use of a pen name empowers people to speak up and outside the norm, to speak against majority to create conflicting ideas. These conflicting ideas come from challenging standing ideologies but in some cases the fear of speaking out may be harmful to the writer using their real name. 

However, the ability to use a pseudonym causes confection between freedom of expression and accountability of a person who infringes on others rights, say by speaking hate over the internet. Cyber bulling is only on the rise due to the new found infatuation with the internet over the past two decades. Like I have stated above, using a pseudonym empowers people to speak their mind, to change the norms but having a false name or no name at all can also empower people to belittle others without accountability. Facebook, a social media giant has been blamed for encouraging bullying over the internet with its Honesty Box application. Though it was not Facebook's intention to trigger a flood of bullying, the choice of being strictly anonymous created verbal attacks without any backlash. 

My own beliefs include both sides to the ambiguity of pseudonyms. Freedom of expression, a given right in the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms, is fundamental to the progression of newly formed ideologies that give our nation an advantage compared to most. Some social norms, laws and rights are to controversial to stand along on a pedestal and present an alternative without being marginalized from society, though maybe in 10, 20, 30 years your opinion will be valued. Though the right to freedom of expression is not absolute there must be restrictions of freedom to protect against people from speaking hate, cyber bullying or plotted terrorist attacks for example. This being said google and Facebook do have a right to demand that real names are used to hold users accountable for their actions. 

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