Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pseudonyms and Anonymity

Throughout our generation, we have both seen and continue to see the evolution of the Internet. Many years ago, it seemed as though the Internet was only utilized as a source of either retrieving new information, or a quick and easy way to getting answers to people’s problems. However, through time the Internet has become an increasing phenomenon with social networking sites continuing to emerge and nearly taking over the society in which we live. Whether its Twitter, Facebook, or Tumbler, nowadays, it seems as though everyone belongs to at least one social network.

Social networking sites are great for interacting with friends, meeting new people, and keeping in contact with family who may live miles and miles away. What draws many people to joining social networking sites is the sense of belonging to an online community, where you can interact with people of common interests and share your beliefs and ideas on a number of different topics. Nonetheless, through the development of social networking sites many conflicting beliefs have risen due to the use of pseudonyms and anonymity. I too have very strong beliefs about the use of pseudonyms and anonymity. However, after reading the article I now have a slightly different perspective.
Before, I often failed to see why people even used pseudonyms in the first place. For instance, when I would log into twitter and see some of the most peculiar names like “little dick Willy” I would just laugh to myself and have a million thoughts running through my mind. I’m not going to lie, I definitely judge most people from the get-go with pseudonyms. I mean let’s be honest, who would even take you seriously with a name like “little dick Willy?” 

Nevertheless, after reading this I certainly understand a lot more about why people choose to use pseudonyms as opposed to their real names. In fact, I now see several positive aspects that arise from the utilization of them. For instance, pseudonyms can serve as an alter-ego for someone who is not comfortable in their own skin because it allows them to create an online persona and speak freely about any topic they wish, without having their identity completely known. The use of a pseudonym also diminishes the likelihood of online prejudices that could be present with the use of an individual’s real name. Using a pseudonym in place for an individual’s real name is also great for protecting one’s identity against online predators. I happen to know a few websites where all you need is a person’s first and last name as well as the city he/she lives in, and you can instantly find out the address of where that person lives. It’s quite terrifying when you think about how much a person can find out about you by simply knowing your name. So, with that being said I think pseudonyms are actually a safe and great mechanism for protecting people’s identity and I don’t think websites like Google+ and Facebook should prevent their users from using them.

Pseudonyms are one thing, but anonymity is a complete other. I’m completely against anonymity. I understand some people want to seal their identity altogether and just be completely unknown to the world because they are afraid of being bullied or judged, but I really don’t like the idea of having absolutely NO CLUE about who I’m talking to. At least with pseudonyms, individuals use names that are either sentimental to them or that describes that individual best, and when I see these names I can get a feel of how that person is and what their personality is like. However, when someone is anonymous I can do neither of these things. Therefore, I personally prefer not to interact with someone who is “anonymous” at all.
Anonymity might affect the writer’s ethos because he/she may feel that because their identity is hidden, he/she is freer to express his/her ideas by hiding behind the online persona that individual has created for themselves. Whereas, if an individual was to use his/her real name it might affect the writer’s ethos because that individual may feel more constrained to voicing his/her thoughts because that person’s identity is known by readers.
Anonymity might affect the writer’s credibility because often readers who read something that was posted by someone who is anonymous question the legitimacy of what they are reading. For instance, many people may feel the information is inaccurate because it was posted by someone who does not want to be identified. Whereas, if an individual was to use his/her real name the information can be seen as more legitimate by readers and taken more into account over someone who presents themselves anonymously.
Anonymity might affect the writer’s motives in a negative way because he/she can partake in something like cyber bullying because that individual can hide behind the computer without having his/her identity known. Whereas, if an individual was to use his/her real name that individual would be forced to having positive motives on social networking sites because that individual risks dealing with some serious ramifications if he/she was to partake in something like cyber bullying.  

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