Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freedom with Accountability

Pseudonyms and names created only for online use have been used heavily for over a decade for people to hide themselves from the rest of the world and to give them confidence to write what they want without harassment. Many issues have arisen from these secret identities as individuals have abused the pseudonyms to post negatively online, commit fraud and other crimes, some even going as far as to hide behind fake names to be online predators.

Google+'s goal of making individuals accountable for their online actions, through their "real" name policy is fair and guide with good intentions, however it neglects those who avoid using "real" names to protect themselves or others for good reasons. The website could instead allow posters to use pseudonyms when being involved in the public online world, while making it policy for them to include their "real" name in private information on the website. This would allow for police and websites to still track problem users while allowing people to post freely behind a "handle".

A writer's ethos is strongly affected by their chose to use a pseudonym or not. A person hidden behind a "handle" on the internet may not initially be able create a strong sense credibility among readers as they may not feel as though they can relate to the author or blogger. Some do however develop that credibility overtime through honest and trustworthy writing and posts.
A blogger's motives may also be questioned by readers based on their chosen online name, some may wonder if the user is using a fake name to promote their ideas without backlash or post lies without being held accountable. Readers know that someone using their real name online has more reason to be upfront and honest in their online actions.

The type of pseudonym chosen also has a large impact on ones ethos. A mature name versus a fun or funny name will impact how they and their blog  is perceived. Readers will not trust a political blog posted by a user with the pseudonym "Crazy Cat".

All in all the right to use a fake name online is one that should be preserved but monitored to allow more free and safe speech and expression. Online bloggers and writers should be track-able while still having front line anonymity. They still need this freedom as their choice of name can impact their perception and ethos, as well as comfort level online. 

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