Sunday, March 3, 2013


When memes first came out, I didn't know what it was i didn't think they had any kind of meaning to it. Actually I thought it was used for pure entertainment issues, just for petty laughs. However after reading the articles i have come to an understanding that the whole meme phenomena has become something way more than petty laughs. My first meme I saw was Bad Luck Brian. It's a picture of a boy in which i assume is dressed up for a school photo. Bad Luck Brian is about an unlucky and awkward boy who has bad things happen to him.

Personally, I interpret memes as jokes and really just for the laughs and giggles. I don't see memes as something that is serious and controversial but as i stated before, memes have become something way more that jokes. Some memes that i have seen have a background that actually is quite sad and meaning of them isn't funny at all. Like one of the articles stated... how many of these memes are we actually laughing with and and not at.. Someone made a meme with a girl with down syndrome and most of its sayings and meanings are about how she became down syndrome. I know someone with downs syndrome and to me, it really isn't funny.

After thinking about, most of the memes have some sort of offensive meaning. As well as the fact that memes are worldwide and can be identified by almost everyone. You can find different memes  that are associated with different cultures and countries like first world problems vs third world problems.
Some that are more severe than others when it comes to offensive content . Of course I admit there are ones that i will find myself laughing to but i find that more of the memes that i personally like are ones that aren't offensive. It seems like the overall meaning of memes is to be able to express feelings/thoughts about touchy subjects and are considered taboo.

However I'm not against memes, like i said before i find some that can be really funny without having to go as low as some people and memes are ways for every culture to identify with each other. I can also tell that some memes that may seem offensive like the "third world child" are really made to be laugh with and not at.

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