Monday, March 11, 2013


     Since it's origination, YouTube has become a daily service for myself and millions of others. Each month, the site hosts 10 billion video views. YouTube entertains, informs, allows you to see other points of view and brings income to some users. There is no limit to what you can watch on YouTube. I think that this site is so relevant to modern day social media because of this. 

     Youtube can range from a casual form of communication to a way that people make a living. Most of the time, I send my family and friends videos from YouTube that I thought were funny or interesting. This is how many videos go viral; when people continuously share the video. While YouTube can be a casual way of communicating, it can also be a form of income. When users have huge amounts of followers, YouTube gives them money for how many views they get for their videos. Many people these days are using this social media platform as their source of income. 
     I think that it is important to eliminate the amount of violence on YouTube. Violence should not be promoted on social media platforms. I know that there are still many violent videos on this site and YouTube should work harder in order to keep their site clean of these videos. YouTube hosts many other controversial videos. While they may be entertaining or informative, it is important to promote videos with good morals. 

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