Wednesday, March 6, 2013

YouTube 4 Life

YouTube has in many ways shaped our lifestyle. YouTube is easy to use. Even someone who has zero knowledge on computers can work his way around YouTube. Creating, uploading, viewing and downloading of videos are as easy as 1-2-3. Also YouTube is a good and inexpensive tool for advertising. If you’re in business, YouTube has the facilities you need to gain more views for your ads. Whether you’re into printing personalized shirts, laundry business or into web designing, YouTube is the right place for you. 

However, there are many downfalls to this video website such as; whenever you upload a video in YouTube, you are giving the whole world access to it. So if it’s a personal video you choose to upload, you have just given Planet Earth access to your personal life i.e. your real name, your exact address. Furthermore YouTube is very lenient. Kids these days have unlimited access to computers at the convenience of their own homes or at a nearby internet shop. Parents should be on the look-out for the possible negative effects some sensitive videos may bring. I know a pair of parents who refuse to let their kid watch any TV until age two. They learned from somewhere that kids who are not exposed to televisions in the first few years of their life tend to be more attentive and have a longer span of memory (due to non-exposure to 30-seconder commercials/advertisements). It makes me wonder now how YouTube’s sex scandals and violence in various forms affect kids below ten years old.

Having said that I guess it comes down to how important videos on the web are to you. If you’re like me and refer to them frequently for everyday use, you probably think YouTube has affected you in good way. YouTube and it videos has helped me I many ways. I have participated in not only watching videos that have helped me throughout my accounting class, or acquisition of a new language, and plenty of hours of entertainment, but I have also created my own account. I have uploaded my own videos and comments to help others, and give feedback to other member’s uploaded videos. YouTube had been accelerating ever since it hit the web and shows no signs of slowing down within the near future.

Link to one of my favorite YouTube videos; WATCH IT!

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