After reading the article I do think many people have turned to Youtube for their social media needs. Whether it be commenting on a video or posting videos of your own Youtube is a powerful social media tool. After looking at the examples in the reading it is very evident that Youtube does have allot of negative and violent content but despite the amount of negative content shown the site has allot of information featured in videos that is very valuable.
I use Youtube very often most of the time for music and music videos, but sometimes I do use Youtube for educational reasons. Whether it is someone explaining a lesson I didn't understand to me or covering a topic I missed during a class Youtube helps me learn content I am taught at a university level. For these reasons I do think Youtube is doing more good than bad and that many of the claims made about violence on the site are irrelevant to the real issues covered on Youtube. Youtube is where I can find information about current events and things that happen in places I may not be able to see myself. For example the meteor landing in Russia was a major world event and through Youtube me and millions all around the world were able to see it happen right in front of our eyes.
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